Please fax or call in all prescriptions

Physicians are strongly encouraged, whenever possible, to either fax prescriptions directly to pharmacies or call pharmacies to issue verbal orders instead of providing patients with paper copies. Verbal orders are currently permitted for all medications, including those listed on the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (e.g. narcotics, benzodiazepines), per Health Canada’s exemption (see Health Canada’s exemption).

Providing patients with paper copies of prescriptions (from clinics or facilities) increases the risk of forgeries and in our current environment, may increase the risk of viral transmission through increased direct interactions between patients and front-line pharmacy staff and via potential surface contact. A recent correspondence in The New England Journal of Medicine suggests that viral viability on various surfaces may be significant (e.g. 8 hours on cardboard)1

Please help to reduce exposure to front-line health care workers by faxing prescriptions or providing verbal orders for prescriptions.

1.  van Doremalen, et al. Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARS-CoV-1. N Engl J Med