
Dr. Russell Knaus


On the Register

Current Practice Information



 Regina  Saskatchewan  





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Current Practice Information




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Cases In Process

Completed Cases

DescriptionEffective DateOutcome DateHearingDecisionDetailsDocuments
Prescribing, Improper8/19/20086/25/2010CompletedCosts and ConditionsDr. Knaus admitted unprofessional conduct by prescribing desiccated thyroid to patients in a manner that did not meet the standards of the medical profession. Dr. Knaus also admitted unprofessional conduct by treating members of his immediate family when such treatment did not meet the conditions of paragraph 20 of the Code of Ethics. Council imposed the following penalty: 1) a prohibition against prescribing thyroid replacement therapy or Lugol's Iodine; 2) a limitation to practising as a surgical assistant or practising under the supervision of a physician approved by the Registrar of the College of Physicians and Surgeons; 3) a requirement to complete the specified course in pharmacology; 4) an order to pay the costs of an incidental to the investigation and hearing in the amount of $3,515.38. Charges

Council Decision

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