
Dr. Carlos Huerto


Licence Revoked

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Cases In Process

Completed Cases

DescriptionEffective DateOutcome DateHearingDecisionDetailsDocuments
Sexual Boundary Breach5/31/200111/14/2003CompletedRevocation and CostsDr. Huerto was charged with a number of charges of unprofessional conduct. The Discipline Hearing Committee found him guilty of three charges. The charges of which he was found guilty were that: 1. He engaged in a sexual relationship with a patient; 2. He prescribed medications in the name of an individual when some or all of the medications were not necessary for the patient's medical condition and/or were not intended for the patient's use; 3. He swore affidavits relating to his financial circumstances in which the information provided was false and/or misleading and/or failed to provide full and complete disclosure of his financial situation. Dr. Huerto's licence was revoked. He was required to pay $52,500 towards the costs incurred by the College.

Discipline Committee Decision

Court Decision

Council Decision Penalty

Council Decision Restoration Application 1

Council Decision Restoration Application 2

Council Decision Restoration Application 3
Standards of the Profession, failure to meet 2/11/2000CompletedReprimand, Fine, Costs and ConditionsDr. Huerto was found guilty of unprofessional conduct in that, with respect to one patient, he: 1. Failed to strongly advise the patient to discontinue birth control medication; 2. Failed to achieve an INR level in the therapeutic range for anticoagulation; 3. Provided an invoice to a patient for a medication that was not provided; 4. Falsified hand-written notes in the patient's chart; 5. Falsified a typed transcription of certain chart entries; 6. Removed a document from the patient's chart. Dr. Huerto was found guilty of unprofessional conduct in that, with respect to respect to a second patient, he: 1. Treated a patient with Primacor (milrinone) in a manner which did not meet the standards of the medical profession; 2. Provided thrombolytic therapy to a patient in a manner that did not meet the standards of the medical profession; 3. Failed to provide the patient the necessary information to make an informed decision; 4. Wrote a prescription for a narcotic without the intention that the patient receive the narcotic; 5. Failed to alert the administrator under The Vehicles Administration Act of the dangers associated with the patient's condition. Dr. Huerto was also found guilty of unprofessional conduct as he failed to maintain proper medical records. The discipline committee also found Dr. Huerto found guilty of unprofessional conduct with a third patient, but that finding was set aside by the Court on appeal. At the time of the penalty hearing, Dr. Huerto had been suspended from the practice of medicine for a period of approximately 14 months. The Council ordered that: 1. Dr. Huerto was suspended from practice for the period of his interim suspension; 2. Dr. Huerto was prohibited from providing thrombolytic or inotropic therapy except subject to the conditions in the order; 3. Dr. Huerto was required to pay the sum of $172,600 towards the total costs incurred by the College of Physicians and Surgeons in relation to the investigation and hearing. The costs were reduced to $120,000 after the finding of unprofessional conduct with respect to the third patient was set aside by the Court.

Discipline Committee Decision

Council Decision

Court Decision

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