
Dr. Naveen Tandon


Licence Suspended

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Current Practice Information

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Cases In Process

     DH = Discipline Hearing date             PH = Penalty Hearing date

Completed Cases

DescriptionEffective DateOutcome DateHearingDecisionDetailsDocuments
Unprofessional Conduct; Prescribing, Improper; Standards of Practice, Failure to meet11/19/20211/28/2022CompletedReprimand, Suspension, Undertaking, Conditions, CostsDr. Tandon admitted unprofessional conduct by failing to provide appropriate oversight over the individuals who were providing cosmetic services and by failing to have an appropriate process in place to address possible emergent complications. The penalty included a one-month suspension, a requirement to take a course in cosmetic procedures, a requirement to sign an undertaking to comply with College bylaws and a requirement to pay costs in the amount of $29,133.20. Charges

Council Decision
Standards of Practice, Failure to Meet1/24/20201/24/2020CompletedRestriction on PracticeDr. Tandon’s ability to practise medicine in Ontario was restricted, following a review by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. The Council of the College imposed similar restrictions on Dr. Tandon’s ability to practise medicine in Saskatchewan, prohibiting from providing any insured services under section 54.01 of The Medical Profession Act, 1981. Council modified the penalty in January 2024 to allow Dr. Tandon to practise as a surgical assistant.

Council Decision

Certification from Ontario College

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