
Dr. Jordan Velestuk


On the Register

Current Practice Information

Moosomin Family Practice Centre

Box 1528

S0G 3N0


(306) 435-3838


(306) 435-2176

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Current Practice Information

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It is the sender’s responsibility to verify the recipient’s fax number each time personal health information is transmitted by fax.

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Cases In Process

     DH = Discipline Hearing date             PH = Penalty Hearing date

Completed Cases

DescriptionEffective DateOutcome DateHearingDecisionDetailsDocuments
Unprofessional Conduct; Improper Billing; Improper Prescribing3/30/20191/24/2020CompletedReprimand, Suspension, Fine, Costs, Conditions, UndertakingDr. Velestuk admitted to unprofessional conduct in the 10 charges laid by the Council. The conduct which he admitted included billing for services not rendered, sending email messages in the names of other persons, failing to maintain appropriate medical records, providing a false urine drug sample and prescribing drugs which he used himself. The penalty order included a suspension for a seven month period which was served during the time that he was not in medical practice, a requirement to take an ethics course, a fine of $15,000, an order to pay costs and a requirement to enter into an undertaking related to supervision of his practice, a prohibition against prescribing prescription review program medications and treatment for his addiction.Charges

Council Decision

Unprofessional Conduct11/21/20143/25/2017CompletedReprimand, Costs, ConditionsDr. Velestuk admitted to unprofessional conduct for removing a quantity of ketamine from a hospital for personal use.Charges

Council Decision

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First NameLast NameCompanyAddress 1CityState ProvinceZipPhoneFaxiMIS IDPrefix
JordanVelestukMoosomin Family Practice CentreBox 1528MoosominSKS0G 3N0(306) 435-3838(306) 435-21767159Dr.