
Dr. Svitlana Ziarko


On the Register

Current Practice Information

Prince of Wales Medical Clinic

1 - 2055 Prince of Wales Drive

S4V 3A3


(306) 546-2005


(306) 546-4055

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*It is the sender’s responsibility to verify the recipient’s fax number each time personal health information is transmitted by fax.

Current Practice Information

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It is the sender’s responsibility to verify the recipient’s fax number each time personal health information is transmitted by fax.

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Cases In Process

     DH = Discipline Hearing date             PH = Penalty Hearing date

Completed Cases

DescriptionEffective DateOutcome DateHearingDecisionDetailsDocuments
Unprofessional Conduct; Billing, Improper; Standards of Practice; Failure to meet1/29/20226/24/2022CompletedReprimand, Suspension, Fine, CostsDr. Ziarko admitted three charges of unprofessional conduct. The charges stated that she failed to send a tissue sample for examination by histology, that she failed to take reasonable care to ensure that her billings to Medical Services Branch for testing were consistent with the payment schedule and that she failed to take reasonable care to ensure that her billings for virtual visits were consistent with the payment schedule. The penalty order included an in-person reprimand, a six month suspension, a fine of $7,500.00 and costs of and incidental to the investigation and hearing in the amount of $6,400.Charges

Council Decision
Unprofessional Conduct1/25/20206/19/2020CompletedFine, Reprimand, Undertaking and CostsDr. Ziarko admitted unprofessional conduct for failing to exercise due diligence to ensure that the fees her clinic quoted for transferring patient files were not excessive. The penalty order included a $3000 fine, a written reprimand, that she sign an undertaking, and payment of $8,522.24 in costs. Charges

Council Decision
Unprofessional Conduct9/30/20171/19/2018CompletedReprimand, Suspension, Ethics Course, Medical Records-keeping Course, CostsDr. Cheshenchuk (now Dr. Ziarko) admitted to unprofessional conduct in relation to inappropriately altering a patient chart and in relation to a failure to exercise due diligence in relation to information provided to the College.Charges

Council Decision

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First NameLast NameCompanyAddress 1CityState ProvinceZipPhoneFaxiMIS IDPrefix
SvitlanaZiarkoPrince of Wales Medical Clinic1 - 2055 Prince of Wales DriveReginaSKS4V 3A3(306) 546-2005(306) 546-40557372Dr.